Company News

TUNE Cares: Community engagement in November

Becky Doles

During the month of November, TUNE Cares introduced November to Remember, a company-wide charitable initiative. In an effort to achieve TUNE’s audacious goal of 100% company participation in community engagement before the end of 2016 — and to conclude the year with an impactful month of change-making — we presented TUNE employees with a wide range of opportunities to engage, including donation drives, educational talks, street cleanups, and other causes close to TUNE employees’ hearts.

Here is a sampling of the highlights of TUNErs around the world giving back to their communities in November. Part II coming soon.

Animal donation drive

dogsoftune-01In both our Seattle and San Francisco offices, TUNErs donated a variety of goods to local animal charities including the Seattle Animal Shelter and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Items included homemade cat blankets, canned food, toys, monetary donations and other necessary pet supplies.

In addition, TUNE launched our first Dogs of TUNE calendar and raised more than $1,180 for the Seattle Animal Shelter from calendar purchases. A huge thank you to employees Anna Dewitt and Will Beebe for organizing and photographing the 25 pups that starred in the photo shoot.

Disaster preparedness week

slack_for_ios_upload_1024-minThe second week of November was dedicated to the safety and security of TUNErs. Our disaster preparedness team organized an event in our Seattle office to educate employees on what to do if a disaster struck during the work day. Following the event, we encouraged employees to build their own kit to keep at the office.


Belltown street clean

In 2015, TUNE adopted a large section of Western Avenue, and TUNE spends an afternoon each quarter maintaining and cleaning the street. Even with the chilly weather, we were grateful to see more than a dozen TUNErs spend their Friday afternoon cleaning up their neighborhood.


cx-5dbuvqaagyxl-minInstead of cooking for the Seattle office, the TUNE kitchen staff volunteered their time for a day to cook meals for the Millionair Club, a charity that helps rebuild lives by providing jobs and other essential support services to individuals who are experiencing homelessness or unemployment in the greater Seattle area. The money that would have been used to feed hungry TUNErs was instead donated to Puget Sound Food Hub, which works with 70 farms that TUNE Kitchen partners with on a regular basis.

New York First Book fundraiser

In New York, a number of TUNErs attended the First Book Fundraiser event, a nonprofit organization that distributes millions of free and low-cost books to children from low-income families and programs that serve them.

A Seoul Thanksgiving and user book donation drive

kakaotalk_photo_2016-11-28-20-47-21_90-minIn our Seoul office, TUNErs enjoyed a delicious “American-themed Thanksgiving lunch” as a team. After lunch, TUNErs donated used books to the local charity “Read Us,” which resells used books and uses the profits for education welfare, such as free education and building libraries for low-income households and children from orphanages.



Upcoming Events

IGNITE Spring Gala committee


IGNITE (Inspiring Girls Now In Technology Evolution) inspires girls to become the future technology leaders and innovators of our world. The organization has educated and empowered more than 30,000 young women in middle school and high school grades to pursue education and careers in STEM since 1999. On March 24th, the second Annual Spring Gala will be held at the Museum of Flight, and several TUNErs have joined the committee to contribute to the events success.

Seattle Pike Place Market Foundation

TUNE is very excited about the Pike Place MarketFront expansion! Progress on the project is on schedule which means the Market Foundation only has $2.7M left to raise. Looking for a way to give back to the community? Let’s help the Pike Place Market reach their goal.

image002You can help complete the project by donating to the Pike Up! Campaign: Give the gift of a lifetime from Pike Place Market – personalized Market Charms and Bronze Hoofprints support the expansion of the Market AND honor loved ones for generations! Order Charms and Hoofprints by Friday, Dec. 16 to guarantee thank-you cards arrive in your mailbox by Dec. 24. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to write your family’s name in @PublicMarketCenter. More info

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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