For the last two years, TUNE has dedicated the month of November to giving back to our communities around the world. During what has come to be known as November to Remember, each week focused on a different area of a community in need. With the continuation of several traditions from last year’s giving experiences (check out part I and part II), TUNE partnered with the organization, Samaritan by distributing beacons, continued our commitment to keeping the environment clean, created safety and security in the office, and collected donation items for our furry friends.
Hear from TUNErs as they share what each week during November to Remember meant to them and how TUNErs gave back.
Pets in the Community
- TUNErs raised $1,800 from the Dogs of TUNE calendar sales and collected more than 75 donation items for the local Seattle shelter, Motley Zoo
- Berlin TUNErs collected more than 30 pet items to donate to the local shelter, TierSchutz.
“The Motley Zoo crew was beyond appreciative of the work we put in for November to Remember. Seeing the look of surprise when they saw how many items we were able to collect made giving back even more worth it.” — Stephanie Guenther, Seattle Office Manager
Aiding Those in Need
- Partnered with the organization Samaritan — 14 TUNErs participated in a Samaritan Beacon distribution, and 15 beacons were given to those in need.
- TUNE Berlin collected items and made shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
“Homelessness has many causes, and the influx of tech jobs to Seattle is likely one cause. It was encouraging to see software being used to help, instead, and having the opportunity to meet those affected by homelessness, capture their stories and offer a beacon which might provide them life-saving or essential supplies as well as counseling from local businesses.” — Phillip Ratliff, Software Development Manager
Improving Our Environment
- The cold weather didn’t stop 20 TUNErs from lending a hand during our final quarterly Adopt-a-Street clean in 2017.
“The street clean was a great way to bond with fellow colleagues while helping out our community. It felt good to make a positive impact while getting to know co-workers I don’t generally get to work with.” — Prabhjeet Malhi, Contracts Administrator
Culture and Culinary
- Just before heading into the long Thanksgiving weekend, 45+ TUNErs from different departments shared their favorite traditional holiday dishes during our first TUNE potluck.
- Six TUNErs and their plus one’s went to the Neptune Theater to support their colleague as he performed in The Last Waltz, a Benefit Show for Northwest Harvest.
“I think TUNE’s First Annual potluck was an excellent idea. The best way to celebrate diversity is through a language everyone understands: food. I enjoyed how it opened up conversations to learn more about each other and where we come from. With that conversation, we learn that while we may celebrate in different ways, as people, we are not so different. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to have participated in the first annual potluck and I look forward to participating in many more in the future.” — Joie O’Connor, Software Support Engineer
Safety and Security
- Thanks to our operations team, our Seattle offices were outfitted with natural disaster supply kits, and TUNErs picked up invaluable earthquake safety tips while everyone participated in our first earthquake drill.
“I am both proud and enamored to assist Tune with their first Earthquake Drill. I was delightfully thrilled to see the awesome participation during the drill and in response to training. I feel that all Seattle TUNErs learned how to properly react in emergency situations and I hope to continue this effort in the future.” — Jay Koenig, Facilities Manager
We are grateful for the TUNErs who donated time and effort toward giving back to our communities around the globe during this year’s November to Remember. As we conclude 2017 and head full force into 2018, be on the lookout for our TUNE Cares annual report. In the meantime, check out other ways TUNE employees gave back this year.
Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.
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