
Announcing Postback 2017 – The mobile event of the summer

Becky Doles

postback-event-of-summerWhat some people don’t realize about TUNE is that in addition to building technologies for marketers, we also build platform technologies for ad networks and partners to build their businesses. This puts TUNE in a unique position to understand how partners need to improve and operate to better serve marketers, and also provides a path to help streamline the workflow between marketers and their partners. Postback is our way of bringing both sides of the marketing and advertising industries together to make marketing better, for everyone.

“If you attended Postback last year — our annual event in Seattle — you saw something incredible happen. You saw the breadth of companies involved in the mobile conversation dramatically increase. You saw relationships that were only born a few years ago forge into powerful partnerships. You heard from futurist Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology and humanity. Most importantly, you saw an industry of people that love to work with each other, exploring new ways to reach audiences and make marketing so much better. Marketers have made this their conference, and we feel very lucky to help host.” – Peter Hamilton, Partner and CEO, TUNE

The memories we’re creating together will long outlast everything that happens over the next five years, which is why I’m excited to announce Postback 2017.


If this is your first time attending Postback, here is an overview to give you an idea of what to expect.

The people

We limit the event to 1,000 attendees so you have a chance to meet and talk with everyone over the two days. Attendees span across marketers, CMOs, agency leads and advertising partners, from all over the world. You’ll be surprised how quickly the two days go by. By the end of day two, it feels like you’re saying goodbye to your summer camp friends.


The content

Over the two days you’ll hear ideas, insights and techniques from 30 speakers on the main stage. There are also intimate breakout sessions to dive deeper into technical conversations and workshops to fine tune your marketing skills. Topics for Postback this year will include:

  • Defining the right media mix
  • Playbook for navigating traffic quality
  • The convergence of web and app
  • Mobile best: a dominating strategy across web and app
  • Winning mobile in APAC
  • The global mobile economy
  • CMO Connect
  • Keys to a successful mobile strategy
  • Marketing and advertising; better together

The events

We always schedule in plenty of time to network, and networking isn’t just a 15-minute coffee break. We have big open blocks between content sessions for you to explore, meet, and mingle.

You’ve probably heard about ‘the boat’ or about seeing ODESZA live in a private concert or about the #swansquad. Check out our Postback photos if you want to catch a glimpse of what to expect for networking this year.

The surprises

You can expect plenty of surprises at Postback. Last year we even kicked off the event with our own version of a Hamilton production.

Expect great music, special guests, and announcements from across the industry. Be one of the first to hear about – and start – all the industry buzz.

The rules

There are three rules of Postback.

  1. Be open – we have a global audience attending Postback, from all parts of the industry. Do your best to set your differences and egos aside. Actually try to be open to new ideas and conversations. Don’t think about everything with a dollar sign. Be open to the possibility of rapid change and drastic changes in the way we interact with devices beyond mobile.
  2. Be social – attend everything! The social events are the memorable moments to really connect with others. When you leave Postback you should take with you at least one new strategic initiative and one new, hopefully lifelong, business relationship. We want you to remember Postback 20 years from now, and that is the only way you will.
  3. Party! – I know some of you may be feeling a little too old for parties, but do what you have to do to put your party pants on and remember what it was like to enjoy a good party.


Registration opens today and the ticket countdown starts now! If you want to learn more, stay tuned for more info as we start announcing details. Questions? Send me an email – [email protected].

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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