
Mobile Minute 1: Mobile Ad Blocking Spikes 3X in the Last 3 Months

John Koetsier


Welcome to TUNE’s inaugural Mobile Minute! In this episode: mobile ad-blocking is growing fast. How fast? Hit the play button to find out.

What is TUNE’s Mobile Minute?

Well, it’s no secret that video is exploding on mobile and social. We’re now watching 100 million hours of video daily on Facebook and eight billion videos daily on Snapchat. That doesn’t even take into account YouTube, which — although being challenged for video leadership — still dwarfs both of them in hours of engagement. (This sounds like a subject for a future Mobile Minute.)

TUNE mobile minuteSo we’re doing regular video updates for marketing professionals who care about mobile. We’ll highlight recent research, share insights from the 2.2 billion devices TUNE’s technology touches, interview smart industry leaders. In doing so, we have one single goal: make you smarter, faster, about everything mobile.

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Enjoy, and please give us feedback below in the comments, or on those social networks. We’re just starting out, so we’re probably doing lots right now that we’ll look back at in four months and laugh at. You can help make us smarter, quicker, too. (Oh, and if you have a content suggestion or question, add it to the comments as well, or ping me on Twitter.)

Next TUNE Mobile Minute: why the growth of ad blocking app downloads doesn’t matter as much as we might think.

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John Koetsier

Before acting as a mobile economist for TUNE, John built the VB Insight research team at VentureBeat and managed teams creating software for partners like Intel and Disney. In addition, he led technical teams, built social sites and mobile apps, and consulted on mobile, social, and IoT. In 2014, he was named to Folio's top 100 of the media industry's "most innovative entrepreneurs and market shaker-uppers." John lives in British Columbia, Canada with his family, where he coaches baseball and hockey, though not at the same time.

57 responses to “Mobile Minute 1: Mobile Ad Blocking Spikes 3X in the Last 3 Months”

  1. Cortney Bigelow says:

    What a great idea! Bringing marketers the hottest, most relevant content weekly… in one minute. Nice job John, looking forward to those to come!

  2. Rachel Fordham says:

    Love the quick and easy format – nice to be able to catch up on highlights when you don’t have the time to read a full blog post.

  3. Hamster says:

    The 1-minute highlight reel idea is very cool! I don’t have time to watch long videos, but short and sweet top-line info like this is great! It’s like when you know the Canucks are going to get blown out and you don’t watch the game… just watch the highlights on youtube afterwards πŸ˜€

  4. Matt Farley says:

    Interesting. I haven’t even thought about downloading an ad blocking app, but I definitely hate mobile ads. But to be fair, I’m not much for ads in general, so there is some bias there.

    • johnkoetsier says:

      Thanks. I think you’re not alone in those sentiments. There’s a long way to go to improve user experience, but I think Facebook’s Instant Articles and Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages will help.

  5. Rastin Mehr says:

    I think people are just realizing that ads can be blocked on mobile devices too. Let’s not forget that Chrome’s AdBlock plus made Internet bearable for many users. Ads on mobile seems like even more of an invasion to users’ personal space.

  6. Jacob Chiarella says:

    Very interesting! I wonder what the consequences of the widespread use of ad-block will look like, like how companies will adapt around it. I’m curious of what you have to say in the next episode of why the rise in ad-block usage isn’t as serious as it seems.

  7. ianmtl says:

    Nice work John! I had never heard of ad blocking technology.

  8. Albert Renshaw says:

    I really like the 1-minute summary video. I’m a busy guy, so this was really useful! Thanks Tune!

  9. Nick says:

    I love this – so much is happening in marketing – would love to have quick weekly pops of what’s hot or not!

  10. Toomer says:

    The scariest 1 minute I’ll see today! Looks like Native ads and other integrated formats will experience a boon in the coming years.

  11. Colin Osing says:

    Nice job JK. And great idea with the video series. Like nature, marketers will always find a way πŸ™‚

  12. Carl Forde says:

    That stat isn’t frightening, it’s encouraging. It means advertisers will have to start respecting their audience or change revenue models, or die. I’m fine with that too.

  13. Great post – love the fact I can get important info in just one minute. Super idea! Will share.

  14. BuildandGrow says:

    Buy me a beer in 4 month’s time and I’ll be happy to laugh at you πŸ™‚ Good concept. Good execution. All the best, John

  15. Simok33 says:

    I actually don’t mind having small banner ads on my mobile device, but I find those annoying video ads very invasive. Having the option to block such ads on my mobile device sounds fantastic.

  16. Alexandra Annable says:

    Great format reminds me of our SB Social Media Minute πŸ˜‰ this is how all content should be smart and easily digestible

  17. Cathy Greer says:

    Great video John! Love the short and to the point nature of it. I actually wasn’t aware there was an ad blocking technology – I am not a huge ad person so definitely something I will look into!

  18. Aaron Golden says:

    Great idea – keep it coming. Awesome John!!

  19. KoZman says:

    This is spot on for that would fit in within the vanishing hours of the day where one can’t have enough time to consume knowledge.
    Keep it up, looking forward

  20. Alex Dahan says:

    Great idea John! I look forward to keeping my team at InstaBrand up to date on everything mobile! #MobileMinute (let’s get it trending people)

  21. Paul Ruppert says:

    Swift but not rushed… have you seen Ian Breemer’s 1 minute weekly coverage of the state of the world? Same idea but re foreign affairs. Thanks !

  22. roberteurope says:

    Great bio John! I’ll start following you here as well and suggest it to Katherine Frangos πŸ™‚ Although a marketer….admittedly, I block ads…not on my mobile by the way. When relevant, I engage…

  23. Sergio Maldonado says:

    Great summary, well explained. As much as I consider it rather selfish to enjoy content without an appreciation for the manner in which people make a living, there certainly is a strong case for Ad Blockers at a point where ads are so out of control, and self-regulation is so useless (“Your Ad Choices”!?) that few better alternatives remain to actually being able to access the content itself.

  24. Alex Dahan says:

    We have already seen a shift in budgets from advertisers into the influencer marketing space, due to the increase of mobile ad blockers.

  25. Ben Zlotnick says:

    I love the one minute video that will deliver your audience real content. Get this stuff on FB, Instagram (60 sec clips), SnapChat is becoming huge. I watch a number of people on a daily basis that are putting out pure gold. To be honest i am hoping that the ads dont start taking over my entire feed. I personally have not used any blockers./

  26. websitemoderator says:

    These times, they are a changing

  27. William Parry says:

    Great format – quickly delivering the most pertinent pieces of info week to week is a very effective format.

  28. T. Spracklin says:

    Everyone has a minute to spare, brilliant execution!

  29. Leo Bottary says:

    Consider TUNE because of the value proposition and because John Koetsier chose to get involved with it!

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