
Our Favorite Performance Marketing and Affiliate Marketing Infographics

Becky Doles

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so today we’re taking a closer look (pun intended) at performance marketing and affiliate marketing via infographics. Below you’ll find our favorites that break down the who, what, why, and words of affiliate marketing and the performance industry.

Best In Class

Of course, this one’s our favorite. An oldie but a goldie, from HasOffers (now TUNE) back in the day: Welcome to Performance Marketing 101!

HasOffers Performance Marketing 101

The Who

The four key roles you’ll hear about most often in affiliate marketing are as follows:

  1. advertisers (aka merchants, sellers, marketers)
  2. affiliates (publishers, partners, affiliate marketers)
  3. consumers (customers, buyers, users), and
  4. networks (ad networks, affiliate networks, mobile networks — the only optional member of this group, and the liaison between advertisers and publishers)

It’s difficult to find an infographic that doesn’t include networks as one of the main players of affiliate marketing, so we just went with this simple version from the FTC. Truth is, you don’t have to use networks to connect to affiliates. You can build and manage your own connections (i.e., your own “network” of partners) using software such as TUNE, which facilitates direct partner management across mobile and web. However, many advertisers choose to use affiliate networks for various reasons. In these cases, know that the network also takes a cut of any profits the advertiser and the affiliate share, meaning the money gets split three ways instead of two, as demonstrated below.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

The How

We love any infographic that can walk someone through the basic sales process, from click to payout. This infographic also skims the surface of the tracking side of affiliate marketing, and includes important terms like cookies (which are not as great for tracking as you may think.)

As the technical “how” of this industry can get rather complicated, we’ve covered it in depth. For more on the subject, see our help article (and mini-infographics!) on the basics of performance marketing and our e-book on how to track affiliate marketing campaigns.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

The What

Advertisers work with their partners to sell products or services, which take the form of an offer in affiliate world. So, what makes a great affiliate offer? In another infographic from the experts at TUNE, we cover the 6 P’s of affiliate offers that advertisers should remember when using performance-based partnerships in their marketing strategy.

What Makes a Great Affiliate Offer

We also like this affiliate marketing tips infographic, which provides plenty of inspiration for different ways to promote offers.

18 Affiliate Marketing Tips

The Why

This infographic shows the top benefits of affiliate marketing for advertisers, and why as a marketing strategy it’s been steadily climbing for the past decade — with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

The Lingo

And this last infographic (another one of ours) breaks down the affiliate vocabulary preferred by professionals in the industry. It’s not enough to walk the walk to succeed in this industry — you have to talk the talk as well.

Affiliate Marketing Vocabulary Infographic

More Resources

In a world as diverse and full of creativity as affiliate marketing, infographics are just the beginning. Luckily, we have plenty of them to explore on our Pinterest board. For a deeper understanding of what affiliate marketing is and how it works, check out our Ultimate Guide to Partner Marketing or head to our vast resource library.

Ready to take the leap and try partner marketing for yourself? Here’s how to get started today.

Tell us in the comments below: which infographic spells it out best for you? Are there any others you’re dying for that you’d like us to make to break it down for you?

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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