Success Stories

Customer Spotlight: ReviMedia

Becky Doles

revimedia.comWhile at Postback 2014, I had the opportunity to meet and film a testimonial with COO & Co-Founder of ReviMedia, Inc., Bas Offers. During the interview, he expressed the importance and value of ReviMedia’s partnership with HasOffers. Although it’s purely coincidental that Bas’ name is similar to that of HasOffers, he enjoys the parallel and hopes we maintain the product name.

Ranking 41st on the Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies, ReviMedia is the online lead generation expert. Their top-ranked lead exchange platform, LXP, has set the standard for the industry, enabling their clients to purchase high-quality leads within the insurance, home security and automotive verticals. To ensure the integrity of the leads they provide, ReviMedia, created their own technology for scoring and verification. In the same way keywords can be bid on through Google AdWords, ReviMedia developed a real-time platform for bidding on and purchasing leads.

When describing the relationship between ReviMedia and HasOffers, Bas explains, “The company (HasOffers) listens very well to all of our ideas and input. We don’t see ourselves really that much as a client, but more as a partner of HasOffers—which is pretty special.”

ReviMedia has been a HasOffers client for four years—since their inception. When they started the company, they needed a way to monitor all of their performance marketing campaigns. Bas says, “We were looking for a software tracking solution, and pretty quickly we found HasOffers to be the right fit for us.”

ReviMedia has experienced extremely rapid growth in a short period of time. In fact, in the last three years, every year they’ve doubled in revenue, while at the same time doubling traffic to their campaigns. Bas reflects, “HasOffers has been an important partner for us to facilitate our growth. HasOffers enabled us to not worry about the tracking and publisher interface side of things, so we could focus on our core technology—generating, scoring and distributing leads to our clients. It allowed us to focus on all the things that make ReviMedia a strong player in the market.”

Approximately 95 percent of the leads generated by ReviMedia are done through their own proprietary products, websites and marketing campaigns. Because they are generating a high number of leads in house, it’s vital for them to accurately keep track of and monitor their campaigns. Bas explains, “For us it’s very important to measure our marketing campaigns as well as possible. With HasOffers, we’ve been able to be on top of our campaigns. HasOffers offered the solution for measuring, tracking and managing everything for the whole performance marketing side of the business.”

Bas also describes the most beneficial HasOffers features for ReviMedia. He appreciates the flexibility of the solution, making it easy to apply changes and updates. And, he finds that having a single consolidated view of their campaigns, tracking links, creative and reporting is paramount. Furthermore, Bas states, “The reporting is simple, but very, very solid. All the reporting is real time.”

The HasOffers API integrations are also key for ReviMedia. Bas says, “All of the API calls that we are making towards the HasOffers platform to pull data within our (lead exchange) platform are real time, as well. Being a company that’s focused on real-time data, this has allowed us to always be a step ahead. I think that’s the most crucial part of our integration with HasOffers.”

Bas goes on to say, “Business intelligence is an imperative part of managing our whole lead-generation process. We centralize the data within our own platform, so we have all of our media spending, tracking capabilities, revenues, leads and lead scoring centralized within our platform. HasOffers has enabled us to do that by connecting through the API. The API is an essential part of our business intelligence and being on top of what we do on a daily basis.”

Being a lead-gen company, ReviMedia is concerned about fraud and the affects it has on the leads they generate. At the heart of ReviMedia’s technology is an internal engine to verify and score leads. Bas states, “That’s our number one goal, to generate high-quality leads for our clients. HasOffers has been our first line of defense to monitor affiliate fraud by monitoring the numbers, the conversion rates and the amount of clicks that are coming in. In terms of click to conversion, that’s where HasOffers is a great help.”

Another feature of HasOffers that Bas is excited about is the partnership with Invoca, offering click-to-call. He says, “ReviMedia is active within the click-to-call or pay-per-call field. It’s been one of our fastest growing products. HasOffers, together with the partnership with Invoca, has a good way of tracking all the calls. For us, it was very important to centralize all of our tracking capabilities. We don’t have to login to multiple systems; HasOffers is our go-to spot in terms of tracking. We can pull all of the data, even with our click-to-call campaigns.”

Bas has also been impressed with the support ReviMedia has received from HasOffers. He says, “Support has been very good, very fast. We definitely had some bigger issues that were either on our side or on the side of HasOffers in the past, but they were resolved very fast. Communication is very transparent. When we create a support ticket, we know they are on it right away.”

Now, ReviMedia is concerned with fine-tuning their marketing campaigns. Bas says, “We’ve been focusing on increasing our conversion rates. With HasOffers, that’s pretty easy because you can see that within the reporting. As a lead-gen company, that’s how you stand out from your competitors, by converting better. We’ve been very much focused on optimizing our campaigns. HasOffers helped with that through the reporting in the platform.”

Reiterating his satisfaction with the HasOffers solution, Bas says, “Frankly, there’s no need to shop around. HasOffers offers us all the tracking, reporting and API call capabilities, which are the three most important elements of success for us within a platform.”

Thanks for taking the time to explain the role HasOffers has played in the growth of ReviMedia, Bas! View the video testimonial now.


Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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