Mobile Marketing

5 Performance Marketing Techniques That Mobile Marketers Overlook

Becky Doles

performance marketing best practicesPerformance marketing has always been competitive for mobile marketers. Changes to Google’s search algorithm, combined with the rise of ad blocking, means traditional marketing tactics and strategies haven’t been effective for a while.

Being successful now means keeping track of industry trends, trying out new performance marketing techniques, measuring performance and continuously optimizing your efforts. High performance never comes easily, after all.

There are many lessons for mobile marketers who wish to scale, improve their margins, and generate ROI.

1. Understand how consumers use mobile

Performance marketers must understand their target audience. This means learning how they consume content and perform specific activities, such as searching for information about products and purchasing those products.

According to the firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, American adults now spend more time with digital media using a mobile device (51%) than with desktop (49%). And how they use this time differs depending on the platform. Mobile users often engage in micro moments; turning to their phone for immediate information when they need it, such as while shopping in retail stores or random Google searches.

[bctt tweet=”Capitalize on micro moments; when users turn to their phone for immediate info when they need it.” username=”tune”]

While understanding their target audience’s behavior and preferences may be challenging, mobile marketers who take the time to research their consumers can reap better rewards.

2. Invest in programmatic advertising

A ClickZ report on the State of Mobile Advertising in 2016 found that 54% of mobile marketers increased their programmatic mobile budgets in 2016. Programmatic — the process of using software to purchase digital advertising — helps mobile marketers minimize human error and reduce costs, all while being able to optimize faster.

The benefits of programmatic advertising should be clear to any mobile marketer who wants to improve performance at a time when the digital marketing landscape is undergoing radical transformation.

3. Take a hyperlocal approach

Mobile devices allow marketers to track near-exact location, and they can use hyperlocal advertising to deliver targeted, location-based, and highly relevant ads to customers.

The opportunity for mobile marketers? According to the ClickZ report, only 22% of mobile marketers set up targeted advertising based on precise location. Mastering targeted hyperlocal advertising provides a potential competitive edge for mobile marketers, all the while helping improve performance and ROI on campaigns.

To learn more about hyperlocal or location-based advertising and glean deeper insights about your customers, watch our free webinar.

4. Deploy marketing automation and tracking

Tools that were once used by enterprises or agencies are now being adopted by digital marketers. In this case, there are powerful tools and software that can combine marketing across multiple channels online, including email, social media, and increasingly, mobile apps. Besides integrating efforts, these platforms automate repetitive tasks.

Through automation, marketers can easily determine their most valuable customers, as well as browsing and spending habits—it’s analytics down to an individual level. Even more, performance marketing software such as TUNE can integrate both mobile and desktop data, and offer in-depth customer insights to help mobile marketers improve campaigns.

So the value proposition for mobile marketers is clear: marketing automation software allows them to become dramatically more efficient while improving ROI by providing more relevancy to their audience.

5. Deliver relevant content to consumers

Despite the rise of ad blocking on both desktop and mobile devices, it turns out that marketers can still capitalize on mobile advertising. As John Koetsier says, “People talk about how much they dislike mobile advertising. But they don’t care enough about it to put any money into making them go away. And they are not changing settings on their phone to make those ads less relevant.”

He notes that if you can determine what ads resonate with these consumers, it’s possible to “achieve the marketer’s dream of the right message to the right person at the right time.”

This should be inspiration for any mobile marketer seeking ways to hone performance and increase the ROI of their strategies. What they need to focus on is improving the quality and relevancy of their ads by tailoring the content according to the audience’s needs and interests.


Sometimes it’s easiest to focus on what has worked well in the past, but those tactics are no longer effective. In fact, they can be pitfalls that prevent mobile marketers from achieving success. Fortunately, mobile marketing offers robust opportunities when it comes to tools and strategies that can dramatically improve performance.
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Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

One response to “5 Performance Marketing Techniques That Mobile Marketers Overlook”

  1. Thanks for this great points for marketing, 🙂

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