
The Mobile Campaign: How to Outfit Your Publishing Army

Becky Doles

The evolution of performance metrics, ad units and flexible payout events are allowing mobile publishers the flexibility to engage users in ads at the right place and the right time, via the best method. Today at Postback in Seattle, John Cosgrove of TapIt, Florian Lehwald of KissMyAds, Matthias Lesch of Crobo, Pepe Agell of Chartboost and Edan Portaro of Usamp discussed how publishers can most effectively promote mobile ads.

As industry veterans, all of the panelists have experienced the rapid evolution of the industry as it has moved from desktop to mobile. While Florian commented that advertising is “basically the same, there are just more possibilities”, Edan believes that mobile is still a “murky” place. However, by leveraging previous metrics that have been available with desktop advertising, it has allowed for a much easier transition to mobile advertising. John explained that he moved into mobile advertising a little over 2 years ago. He found the space exciting as it was always changing, but said it was also challenging at first as “a limited amount of data was initially available to publishers compared to what is now available.” Pepe also found this lack of data initially challenging.

The panelists also discussed the importance of transparency at Postback, highlighting the fact that the more data you can provide both advertisers and publishers, the more successful each will be at optimizing revenue and ROI. Pepe explained that “transparency means everything”, and it is crucial to provide as much information as possible about installs, click-through rates, and conversions to both advertisers and publishers. Eden added that this transparency helps explain what types of campaigns are converting well and which publishers are performing best. John also said that it is important to provide data about which geographical areas perform best, as this can lend insight into what campaigns drive the most conversions and where advertisers and publishers should focus.

John noted that as more types of ads become mainstream and acceptable, advertisers have to be increasingly innovative to keep their ads more engaging. The panelists discussed ways they are using unique methods to engage users, including SMS and push notifications. Matthias believe these new methods are worth trying, but cautions that we still need to see proof of their effectiveness. Florian also said he gives publishers freedom to do whatever they want with campaigns, as long as the advertiser is OK with the campaign and the campaigns convert. He is also running re-engagement campaigns in addition to traditional CPI campaigns.

The panelists all agree that it is critical for both publishers and advertisers to not only leverage mobile advertising, but dive deep into transparent metrics and experiment with new campaigns to optimize conversions for higher ROIs and revenue on both sides of the equation.

Watch the full “Postback 2013: The New Mobile Publisher Army” session below:

Becky Doles

Becky is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at TUNE. Before TUNE, she handled content strategy and marketing communications at several tech startups in the Bay Area. Becky received her bachelor's degree in English from Wake Forest University. After a decade in San Francisco and Seattle, she has returned home to Charleston, SC, where you can find her strolling through Hampton Park with her pup and enjoying the simple things between adventures with friends and family.

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